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2020 is such a weird time to say this, but...


I have good news!

I've been writing since I was six years old. My mystery stories, starting with "Amy and the Stolen Pumpkin" and ending with "Amy and the Elf who Stole Christmas" were both VERY well received (**cough** by my parents **cough).

I wrote my first full length novel at the age of 12 ("Halls of Fear") and created submission packets for publishers by the age of 13. I still smile when I think of tween me directly calling publishers asking them if they've had time to consider my novel.

After a long drought, I wrote my next books at 26, 30, and 34. Plus two more elaborate fan-fiction novels for a certain sister. Then, in the past two years (age 39-41), I've written 3 more. 5 or 6 if you count the personalized books I wrote for my 5 year-old daughter. I only started seriously committing to the querying process these past two years. I've had to develop a really thick skin throughout the process. 

There have been times I pushed writing to the background. There have been times when I was sure it was time to give up. But I didn't. I ended up finally striking at the right time with this last book. I received not one but five offers of representation.

And this year, I signed with a LITERARY AGENT. Cue screaming! My wonderful agent, Chelsea Eberly from Greenhouse Literary, had a vision for my book right from the start. As we forge into the submissions process, I am SO happy she's my guide.

More soon!

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