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Pub Day is Here for DREW LECLAIR GETS A CLUE!!!


It's every author's dream to see their book out in the world. But it's also A LOT. Some of you might be wondering: what does a day in the life of an author on pub day look like? Well, a lot like this:

1) Woke up to my daughter yelling "IT'S DREW LECLAIR DAY!" Really sets the tone!

2) Then, an email with a hiccup: the bookstore doing my launch never got the book! Not today, supply chain! Not today, Satan! With some scrambling on the part of my fantastic friends, some words of encouragement from my publicist, editor, and agent, and flexibility on the part of Books Inc., it's going to work out! Crisis averted.

3) I spent the day reading (and trying to respond to all of) these lovely messages from fellow authors, book bloggers, family and friends. I feel so loved!

4) I had to sign 40 bookplates for another bookstore I'm doing an event with in NYC, Books of Wonder! Got to practice my signature.

5) Treat yourself time. I decided to eat my ultimate comfort food for lunch, a big bowl of noodles with tomato sauce and black pepper. And a snickerdoodle. But what to watch while I'm having lunch? Daria, you say? YES PLEASE!

6) Then, I got an email with some AMAZING NEWS. A few months ago, I found out that I got a starred review in School Library Journal (a DREAM!). Today, on pub day, I got the word that I got my second starred review, from Booklist! As a librarian, and ALA member, I am over the moon!

7) Okay, it's time to look presentable. No Instagram posts in your sweats and Great Mouse Detective shirt with no makeup and ratty hair. Even though it's my truth. After a little bit of freshening, I was able to post the completely presentable picture above.

8) What's next? There will be cake (Drew Leclair cake, of course), croissants, pizza, and a toast with friends. Then, off to Books Inc. for the launch!

All in all, it's been a roller coaster today. But the best kind. Until next time!

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